Finger grab 1560

brash wood grab, load capacity 2,5 t, opening width 1.560 mm
item number: HZI-1560-RG
  • reisiggreifer-hzi1560rgroweb1500x956.jpg
  • hzi-1560rg-ro-zeichnung.png

Technical data:

Type HZI1560RG-RO
CWC* 4 - 6 ton
Weight 130 kg
OP* max. 200 bar
Lift capacity 2.500 kg
Grapple opening 1,56 m

*CWC = carrier weight class
*OP = Operating Pressure

Professional finger grab / log grapple with 1 horicontal cylinder

  wide construction
  compatible with load and forest crane
  carrier weight class: 4 - 6 tons
  connections: 3/8"
  oil flow: 20 l/min



A 1.560
B 1.645
C 860
D 590
E 130
F 510